Human Rights Policy


We at Shire Beds Limited are committed to upholding human rights and building a better working world.

Human Rights are anchored in our core values and beliefs.  They provide the ethical and behavioural framework to guide the business decisions we make every day.  We draw our understanding of these rights from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, its related treaties and declarations, and the broader ethical reasoning behind their development. Our approach to respecting and upholding human rights is informed by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

We adhere to national law and regulations. Shire Beds Limited follows processes that seek ways to honour the principles of international human rights. The working conditions of our employees are, in compliance or above, with internationally recognized labour standards.  This includes the prevention of child and forced labour, adherence to the principle of non-discrimination in the workplace, the right of freedom of association and assembly, and the right to collective bargaining – see Ethical Trade and Labour Standards Policy.

We expect our business partners and other parties whose own impacts may be directly linked to the operations, products or services of Shire Beds Limited to respect and not infringe upon human rights, and will respond appropriately where they are not respecting human rights.

Any suspicions of slavery or human rights infringements should be reported through the companies Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblowing) policy or externally to the Modern Slavery Helpline. Details are on display throughout the site and below:
Or Call 0800 0121 700

We are committed to making a positive contribution to human rights by taking additional voluntary actions to support human rights whether through core business activities, philanthropy, public policy engagement and partnership and other forms of collective action. The responsibility to respect human rights is a baseline expectation, and a company cannot compensate for human rights harm by performing good deeds elsewhere. Such commitments are a complement, and not substitute or trade-off for our responsibility to respect international human rights in the workplace.

Responsibility for this statement sits with the directors who regularly update and monitor our commitment to acknowledge and uphold human rights.
